My little brother Nick and his wife Erina were in town for a month! Too bad it won't happen for another 2 years! They have now moved to Germany from Japan where Nick is stationed int the Air Force for 4 years. Patrick and I have wanted to go to Germany....
My little brother Nick and his wife Erina were in town for a month! Too bad it won't happen for another 2 years! They have now moved to Germany from Japan where Nick is stationed int the Air Force for 4 years. Patrick and I have wanted to go to Germany....
12:53 PM
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Labels: Nick
I don't know if anyone in the world would find joy in this but I got a kick out of it...We had a Easter/Justin's&Patrick's B-Day something or other at my mom's and didn't have enough candles for 28...
My cleaver mama represented the # with 2 tens and 8 ones....And I put the column down the middle to separate the two.
The Perfect Gift when you can't exactly buy the guy a new processor or more memory!
We just hope that sometime there will actually be some wind!
12:46 PM
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Labels: Birthdays
I deserve this....
Anna was laughing like a little gremlin as I took this picture...Anna was playing happily while Justin napped, so I got on the computer in the office, which is much faster than my laptop...My perfectly organized scrapbook kit became Anna's new favorite toy...4 hours later it is still sitting there. I would cry, except for the fact that I knew better and I got what I deserved!
Easter Egg Hunt
Horray for Neti!
Yes, this is my 3rd entry in a row, same silly topic, but I have to post a follow up. Last week I found a few things to help with my sinus infection from a website and from another blogger. I thought, what could it hurt?, especially since I couldn't see a doctor until Monday, unless I wanted to go to quick care, which is a fate near unto death in my eyes....So I tried it all. I had a towel over my head inhaling a pot of steaming apple cider vinegar and was pouring salt water through my nose. I looked ridiculous and felt like I should have been sucking on tree bark next, but I didn't....but I was so desperate that I would have if I thought it would help. On Saturday I irrigated my nose with water mixed with 5 tiny drops of GSE (grapefruit seed extract) which kills bacteria. Yesterday, I went in to my Dr. appointment and waited 1.5 hours for the Dr. to tell me I had a little post nasal drip . I was shocked! Hail to the Neti Pot, GSE, ACV, H2O, Sodium and some guidance from above! If anyone ever needs advice on a Sinus Infection from you know where, you know where to ask. I promise, this is the last post on the subject, which I know you'll be grateful for, unless of course you get a sinus infection and want some relief...
For a Neti Pot Demo click here...I enjoyed it until 1:28. If you don't like to hear his potty mouth, stop it at 2:20...
Anyone well aquainted with their sinuses???
I now know exactly where my sinuses are in my head. I've never had a problem with them enough to think about their existance until now. I guess I have to go to the doctor for a sinus infection, so I will, but I wonder of your experience with sinuses and what you do if you get an infection other than antibiotics. I saw this Neti pot thing on-line and wonder about that. It does NOT look fun. Does the infection ever go away without meds? Is my cold still contagious? I'm ready for something and am glad I realized that was my prob. I'm tired of my head and face aching including my teeth, which is weird to me....Sorry if you don't really want to hear about this stuff...but it's all I can think about lately! Hopefully I'll figure this out soon. Thanks.
It could be worse
So I'm not sick from pregnancy but I got some crazy cold bug that has seemed to permanently inhabit my body. (Well, just since last Thursday but it feels permanent since I rarely get sick and am therefore spoiled. Usually everyone gets the bug except me.) When I got it I thought it was just a little cold but that was until It reared it's ugly head. It acts like the flu but I have only very mild nausea and no fever. Just major headache, congestion, fatigue, and downright miserableness. The weird thing is that yesterday I was operating at 95% and went out and had fun and probably gave this sickness to all the people I encountered. Well, today I'm back to 20%. At least the kids are mostly well and chipper enough to tear apart the house. I liked getting this picture in an e-mail which helped me look on the bright side... They could have done something like this during my bouts laying on the couch....
To party or not to party?
Justin is turning 4 next Sunday and I still can't decide weather to throw together a little party for him. I'm only on my second kid and I've already overdone it. He's been mentioning , " I want to have a princess party like Afton." So it wouldn't be a princess party, just something manly I suppose. March is crazy. My dad, father in law, Justin, sister in law, and husband ALL have b-days at the end of March! Some of my smarter friends waited till their kids were old enough to really get it. Well, Justin now gets it and I'm wondering if I should set up a system/certain years I do friend parties. Is having a party with friends every birthday for every child going to be way toooo much? For sure! I do like having a reason to get together with friends and try to keep it low key....What to do?Any suggestions?
12:24 AM
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Labels: I wonder
Icky Nicky
I was just thinking how strange it is that I like grapefruit. At no other time in my life have I enjoyed eating the stuff. Now, I have one every day and have found great joy in scooping out the juicy flesh and eating it section by section with my beloved grapefruit spoon. It's my current favorite food ritual. Yes, some pregnick people are strange.
I've been thinking...yes, hard to believe, I know!
I've been thinking about blogging way too much...Probably because ............I've been in Blogland way too much (which is the result of 2 things: I give myself more excuses to be lazy when I'm pregnick and I have a laptop and can carry the silly thing where ever the kids are.) Anyways, I wonder: Why on earth am I (and many others like me) so into this whole blog thing to begin with??? Why blog?
- I like having something to think about.
- I get ideas... about household stuff, cooking, creative stuff and church jobs.
- I PLAN on getting all these words and pictures printed in book form so I can justify this blogging addiction as keeping up on my personal/family history!
- I journal about things I wouldn't have journaled about in any other form.
- I love to read about and relate with other moms who deal with a lot of the same things I do.
- I love to be inspired...and yes, i read many things on blogs that inspire me!
- I like to share fun things that are going on with me. Being a mom is fun.
- I like meeting new friends.
- I'm not a great story teller in person, but I can write it out just fine. If people actually want to hear the story then they have the a face to face conversation I just want to get the the point so I don't bore the listener. Here, If you don't want to read it, you skip it. Right?
- I was terribly out of touch with people far away before I blogged. Sorry grandma!
- I don't have enough time to e-mail everyone individually.I love being able to tell it all once then comment here and there to clarify and personalize.
- I like to be motivated by other awesome women that I would never have been able to "get to know" if I wasn't a blogger. Believe it or not, when I get done blogging, I'm more productive, maybe because I have the feeling that, if they all can do it, I can do it too!
- Blogging lets me know that I am not alone in my seemingly small realm!
- If I don't write something for a while I get little reminders from friends like this one: "Hello?! I know you have some Christmas pictures of your kids!!!" A friendly reminder that someone out there cares.:)
- High on the list: I'd rather blog than doing dishes, laundry or mop the floor for the 100th time! Sorry my dear husband Patrick :@)
- My top love language is WORDS of Affirmation...I like to hear your comments.
- Sad to say it, but reading other's blogs challenges the large unused portion of my brain (which happens to be shrinking) that isn't classified under the category of Family Life, Marriage or Children. Basically, It helps me to constantly think and use my brain. I was reading a new favorite blog of mine which belongs to my friend's dad saw the following picture with the following explanation:

They just spent hours putting in those posts................
I thought and thought till I couldn't think anymore and then gave up. 10 minutes later I looked at it again after thinking all the while and I GOT IT! Now, that is pathetic. I'm going to have to start doing more crossword and jigsaw puzzles or something. Maybe I should just spend more time reading witty or thought provoking blogs!
Why do you blog??? Avoiding something? Are your kids playing in the toilet like mine probably are?? J\K-Anna is napping and Justin is at preschool. So why am I using precious free time...I just like to blog I guess.
Good to know...
I looked over at the baby counter/development tracker and I laughed when I read, "Baby is now urinating." I am not good at changing diapers when they are just pee so I'm glad I don't have to worry about doing it for two children...just yet at least. I am interested in how I'll react/adjust to having 3 under 4. I hear quite often that it's the hardest to get used to. Maybe that's because with the 3rd pregnancy you don't spend every waking minute thinking about that little bundle of joy growing inside of you, as you are constantly full of wonder about what it will be like to give birth and have a baby. I used to spend hours reading pregnancy books. I think I've looked in one once so far. I do think about the fact that I have got life growing inside-at least once a day.:)
I am not the type to be anxious to have the baby be born as soon as possible. I have such cushy pregnancies that I actually find it much easier to have the baby inside the womb. Yesterday at almost 4 months I told Patrick, "I actually feel pregnant now, like there is something going on inside that growing bulge."This is what the little tyke looks like about now. So peaceful looking... Right now my baby is very well mannered and enjoys just hanging out very comfortably with no complaints (none that I know of at least.) With baby inside there is no diapering, crying (even if it is so cute at first), long hours awake at night, siblings acting crazy due to adjustment, fatigue and trying to get back any semblance of a schedule within 3 months. It will be lots of fun. At least babies are adorable and make hearts melt which makes all the effort worth it!

Afton's princess party.
![]() |
Afton' |
12:07 PM
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Labels: Anna, Justin, Wee Wones Words
Mud magnet
Life is not dull! It sure is dirty though.
One boy, Two wheels.
Recently, Justin thought you had to be 8 to ride a bike with 2 wheels. That all changed when he saw a little neighbor boy, Billy ride his bike at age 4. It gave him hope for himself and altered his view of life for the better...So yesterday morning he asked if he could take his training wheels off of his bike! I thought, sure, why not give it a try? What could it hurt anyway? (Well...I guess his body.) Dad took them off and walked holding his bike while Justin pedaled. If he let go, he fell. The prospects were grim.
Patrick sends me fun e-mails.

a nice picture.I thought I would upgrade a little from my normal stick figures."

9:19 AM
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