
What would your husband say if you sent him this and he actually could take off work?

Julie Morris to Patrick
show details 1:45 PM (1 hour ago)

You said you wanted to take time off work right?? I just saw online that BYU women's conference is tomorrow, Thursday and Friday.

I have a strong desire to go and it's not too late... You could take time off work and watch the kids in between TracPro. Justin has Pre-school tomorrow 9-1 and you could drop Anna off at Sis Crockett's for co-op 9-12. I also have co-op already scheduled for both Friday morning at the Henderson's 9-12 since I was going to Helping Hands of Henderson orientation which I can reschedule. You could have those times undivided, put the kids to bed earlier and work late into the night. Friday you would need to get the truck and pick up supplies and wood from my dad's and home depot to work on the Porch Saturday. I'd leave early Thursday morn. and get back late Friday night...

My thought...That's a lot to ask, I know, but I would really appreciate it! How bout I watch them while you hike the narrows next weekend?:0)

President Ballard agrees. "Third, give your wife a "day away" now and then. Just take over the household and give your wife a break from her daily responsibilities. Taking over for a while will greatly enhance your appreciation of what your wife does. You may do a lot of lifting, twisting, and bending!" It would be 2 days and a night, I know . What do you say? Love, Julie

And he said yes!!!!! Now the questions are, where am I staying and am I riding up alone or can I carpool with someone at the very last minute!!! Know anyone from Vegas going or how bout you??

Julie Morris


Art time!

I wondered if the time would ever come when Justin enjoyed art projects, coloring, painting, cutting, molding Play-doh and the like! He would only scribble on a page for 10 seconds and be done. Many start that stuff earlier and I just thought maybe it wasn't his thing.
Well, my dreams weren't dashed in pieces because around the magical age of 4 he began.

GMa and GPa Morris were right on cue with the build it your self airplane!
The Tongue of Concentration! It's hereditary.

Justin now loves to make things and I love to see what he makes too. My fridge is still adorned with his first coloring project that he colored carefully and his pieced together paper funky star fish motif. I 'm loving this! It's the small stuff, right!?:0)
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For the quote book...

Justin has a way with words.....

Bob (a friendly, witty, cheesy checker at Trader Joe's) and Justin were having a nice conversation while Bob rang up our goods.

Justin was wiggling and jumping around so Bob asked, "Do you have ants in your pants?"

After a bit of thought, Justin replied in a serious, matter of fact tone, "No! I just have a penis!"

The dozen or so people within earshot had a nice chuckle while waiting in line. I just got a red face...and chuckled a bit about it later. Patrick has always wanted to use proper terminology...I wonder now if that was such a good idea!



My little family, Dad, Mum and sister traveled up to conference. It was an Amazing experience! We even got to be there for the solemn assembly. I was in awe of the huge ordeal it is to orchestrate such an event. All of the ushers, emergency personnel, sound guys, police, and sheer number of bodies all moving in an organized fashion.

On a funny side note...During the opening prayer I started noticing coughing then throat clearing. I couldn't help but wonder, "is this all intentional." I was too distracted to even listen to the prayer! It was so absurd to me. Eventually I realized that that Conference Center just has excellent acoustics and with that many people, someone is going to be coughing every .2 seconds.

Can't figure out how to rotate this one...use your imagination!

While I was in the Sat. A.M. Session:
Patrick watched the kids!

While Patrick was in the Priesthood Session:
I went shopping at Ikea!

Just creating a wish list for when I go back and have room for goods...

When we got to go together to the Sunday PM Session:
My friend Alicia's Family was wonderful to babysit my kids in Sandy!
We were so blessed to be part of such a wonderful conference!

My favorite talks:

Daughters of God
Elder M. Russell Ballard

“My Words . . . Never Cease”
Elder Jeffrey R. Holland

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Brotherly Love

I get very few pictures of the two of them that don't resemble the first... The second is more real. Justin loves his little sister and is such a good helper! They play together so well and make eachother laugh constantly. Just don't ask him to hug her!
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Coconuts drive me coconuts!

I was being adventurous and bought a quick crack coconut. Cracking it was easy. I drained out the milk then threw it on the concrete and.... viola! It was open. As I went to actully eat the fruit of my labors I only got tiny slivers after multiple attempts to get SOMETHING of worth off of that shell, but to no avail. So there, in my fridge it sits, waiting to be eaten. But how to get the healthy white flesh to separate from the shell. If anyone can give me any tips, I'd appreciate it. I've almost given up hope, especially after many minutes of searching on the internet on how to harvest the dang meat from my coconut! Is there any hope or did I just pick a bad one???
I had another coconut and tried the peeler...it worked!I pried all of the all of the flesh off which had a brown crust, peeled that off and then shredded in my food processor. Boy did that hard coconut make a racket! it Probably not worth the 45 minutes it took!

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So I finally went to get my 3 cavities filled at the dentist after putting it off. I know now why I always put it off!
I don't know about you but while I'm pregnant I get constant post nasal drip(pnd)...Why I didn't know this would bother me at the dentist I don't know! I think what caused me problems is that the dentist had my chair tipped with my feet above my head and my air way was compromised. I was being a good sport, even if I was uncomfortable until I could not BREATHE ! I like breathing and panicked when I couldn't! There I was, an Emotional, Crying, Gasping, Hacking Lady right in the middle of the open style dentist office where everyone could hear me. That was embarrassing! The worst part was that the dentist just acted anoyed that I sat up and and interrupted his work. He actually implied that I was overreacting and that it was in my head! Needless to say he said I have to re-schedule . I wonder why. I left with a fat face and red puffy eyes from the crying and now have to go again! Sigh...

Note to self:
1-Get a new dentist that isn't a JERK.
2- Never go with PND while pregnant and emotional.
3- Don't get any more cavities....
Sorry...Had to get the awful experiance out of my system. Thanks for listening!
I hate taking meds. and being knocked out but it sounds appealing after today... Anyone ever sedated during dental work?


Mommyhood is not for the faint of heart!

A blog is a place to tell about your children's milestones right...Well this one is momentous, just in time for summer dresses and onsie weather.

Anna has learned to tell me she has a poopy diaper! She simply reaches into her diaper and pulls out some of her wares. She then proceeds to squish it between her two little hands. If I am lucky I smell it or notice before it ends up all over her clothing. She "announced" the need for a diaper change during our shopping trip to Wal-Mart yesterday, then again a second time an hour later!...I tried to disinfect the cart as well as I could, but...

So all of you conscientious mothers who use the poofy padding and line your cart with love have the right idea!

Update...As I write, a new milestone to announce. Anna brought me the pack of diapers and laid next to me on the floor. Now that is progress!