
9 am joy

This year, we are assigned to go to church at 9:00!


And it may also be the end of me!

Oh sure, it's only 1 day a week, but for a homeschooling family that only leaves the house before noon 1 other day of the week at 9:30, it's quite a challenge for us!

The first two weeks of the year, we were on time half of the time even!

Then, I was asked to speak in church!
On the same day I was to teach the children Sharing Time in Sunday school!

AND they wanted me to be there at 8:30!


I was tempted to have me speak the following week, but I decided I may manage.

I did my best to prepare in advance for my talk and lesson with prayer and thought and I felt directed, but my talk just hadn't jelled.

I set out the younger boys outfits out the night before.

When the alarm (which I NEVER use at this point in my life) woke me, I got ready then tied up the loose ends for my talk while Patrick tried to rally the troops, which is no small undertaking!

They pushed us to the limit and there was weeping and gnashing of teeth, but we survived and we were on our way!

We made it to the church at 8:50, and were greeted by a kind (perspiring) bishop, I sat down and let out a sigh of relief then continued to gather my final thoughts.

I delivered my talk on Temple work and was so grateful to have the help of the Holy Ghost to fill in the gaps.

I felt good as I sat down, knowing I had shared what I was prompted to and that I had learned what I needed at this time in my life!

As I sat while the next speaker spoke, I felt grateful for my children seated below.
I was even more grateful for Patrick and his composure as he tried to keep them under wraps.
I felt such joy and shed a few tears as I looked at my family from a different viewpoint!

All thoughts of the tumult of that morning vanished, and I savored the moment.

After the feelings of mommy joy flooded my body....I noticed Devon's hair.

 Then Dallin's, Anna's and Justin's. I next noticed the dirty ties, dirty faces and wrinkly dress.

Not a single one was groomed...
and in that moment, it just didn't matter!

When I got home from church, I documented their hair-do's (or the lack thereof) and their cute little faces.

Next week, when there is not so much on my mind, I will hopefully notice them BEFORE leaving the house!


Eve | Inchworm Chronicles said...

Haha, now it's *your* turn for 9 a.m. church :-D

I admired Devon's hair at church when you pointed it out in the hallway. I mean, how did he manage to get it to make that awesome 'W' shape? That takes some kind of skill, right?

Good for you for relishing the moments, whatever they may be!!

Michelle said...

That's great! The pictures are priceless.

MOM said...

Yes, I love the way you are able to always find the positive lesson to be learned from any situation. Keep up the great Mommy job... I love my Sweet Julie!!!
Love, MOM