

Unlike a certain day last week,
this morning I checked my email then quickly turned off the computer.
And I kept it off!!!

 2 unattended curious boys - 2 dozen eggs = a very messy lesson.



dog gone lucky

This weekend we visited my dad and mum out in the country. On Sunday when we came home from church, there was a dog on their property just hanging out that wouldn't leave. It has been around my dad's house hanging out in the yard off and on for weeks. He was a dirty dog but he was still beautiful! He was so excited to be around and was amazing with the kids, even Devon whom was pulling his hair. We tried to run him off but it was no use!

We checked all of the lost dog sites and left info with animal control and the sheriff. We spoke with the neighbors who validated our opinion that he had no owner because they were chasing him off of their properties for weeks also.

 I had a really good feeling we should bring him home and to my surprise, Patrick was on board with very little persuasion!  My mum and dad helped encourage our choice since they were certain he was homeless. We had just decided the day before to start looking for a good dog that is good with kids and chickens so it was perfect timing!

I couldn't help but think of how it was meant to be.

We borrowed a kennel from my dad and took him home. He traveled perfectly. The next day, just to make sure, I took him to get scanned to see if he had a chip since he had no tags.  I just couldn't get over his amazing temperament, obedience and manners. I just had to make sure he didn't have an owner who was missing him before we got too attached. They swiped the scanner over his back and to our dismay, he did! Pet finder told us that he was a 2.5 year old golden retriever named Walter. Why hadn't I thought of doing that BEFORE coming home!?!?

I called the number to inform the owner that her dog was now hundreds of miles away from home, instead of 3 miles! She initially thought we were the pound because he had been brought there before. She was a understandably shocked but told us about how he lives with no fence.  I apologized, told her that we really thought he was homeless, and told her that I would let her know when we would bring him back. She was very understanding considering the situation!

We were more than disappointed and I regretted having taken someone's pure bred  dog. Now I would have to return him! My kids were crushed and so was I.

I was trying to look on the bright side and use the experience to realize that we really wanted a Golden Retriever just like Walter, but I still really had a bit of hope that they may be willing to sell him. I researched how much he might cost and I started to search for another dog to ease the disappointment. Then, when I called back to make arrangements to drive him home in a few weeks, to my surprise, she said that we could buy him from her for what they got him for! I just couldn't believe it!

We are beyond thrilled! He is our first dog so I am researching how best to feed him and what shots are required. Do we fix him or not?  I am trying to figure out how cold it should be before he has to sleep inside so he doesn't freeze. Should we build a dog house, have him sleep it the house or have him sleep in the shed? And then there are the deliberation about if we should rename him or not.
He sits, lays, comes when called, just looks at the chickens while we train him, is house trained and rarely barks. He's a keeper for sure.

We are so glad we found him...and even happier we get to keep him, but I think we will just use Craig's list to find a pet next time!


What matters most.

This message always helps put things into perspective.


I was going to use the time my kids were outside playing to do some research, but on second thought, I think I'll go outside and be with the kids.....


My kids....only cleaner than usual.


...because some people choose not to use Facebook where I already had this posted. ;)


An evaluation from my employers....

Here are the replies of the 3 that can talk...straight out of their mouthes.

Un-cut and honest.....

Which is good.


Justin(8) = J
Anna (6) = A
Dallin (4) = D


1. What is something Mommy always says to you?
D- Do your pile
A- I love you
J- I love you

2. What makes Mommy happy?
D- If I do my pile
A- When we do our jobs
J- Hugs

3. What makes Mommy sad?
D- If I don't do my pile (Anyone see a trend here?)
A- When we don't do our jobs and when we play outside when we are not done with our jobs
J- When I hit her

4. How does Mommy make you laugh?
D- Says funny jokes to me
A- I don't remember but Devon makes me laugh too much
J- Says funny things and does weird stuff

5. What was Mommy like as a child?
D- Her mom didn't like her going outside when it wasn't freetime
A- You had little people. You were just like you right now but you looked different
J- Cute

6. How old is Mommy?
D- 42 no 44
A- Like 20 or 30. oh yeah. 23. You are 23 right?
J- 34?

7. How tall is Mommy?
D- This tall (spreads out his hands 2 feet wide)
A- Like 20 feet
J- 100 inches

8. What is Mommy's favorite thing to do?
D- Play closet time with Devon
A- Cook and be on the puter
J- Hug me

9. What does Mommy do when you're not around?
D- Go to Trader Joes
A- She bes on the puter
J- Spends time with dad

10. If Mommy becomes famous, what will it be for?
D- Working for food
A- I know what you are famous of. You are famous of cooking. You cook good eggs.
J- Because people like her

11. What is Mommy really good at?
D- Cleaning
A- Drawing pictures like dogs and cats. I don't know how. All I draw is a line and a head.
J- Art drawings

12. What is Mommy not very good at?
D- Doing bathroom cleaning
A- Jumping
J- Umm....Putting the goat back in the pen. Well, I can't think of 1 thing. Oh yea, you are not good at keeping your room clean like you have us do.

13. What does Mommy do for her job?
D- Sweep stuff into piles in the corner
A- You cook for your job. It's your job to cook for us. It's a really hard job.
J- Feed us, keep us entertained.

14. What is Mommy's favorite food?
D- Eggs
A- Quiche. Eggs.
J- Fritatta.

15. What makes you proud of Mommy?
D- She follows the 10 commandments.
A- By cooking good
J- She loves me

16. If Mommy were a cartoon character, who would she be?
D- A Wonderpet. The one that saves baby alligators.
A- A Vegi-tale because they are like Jesus. The blueberry.
J- Strawberry Shortcake.

17. What do you and Mommy do together?
D- Clean outside
A- Spend time cooking and playing. Visit.
J- Cuddle time.

18. How are you and Mommy the same?
D- We both have blood.
A- The same DNA
J- We are related. Same haircolor. Brown.
19. How are you and Mommy different?
D- I small and you bigger mom.
A- We were born from a different mom.
J- You have blue. I have brown.

20. How do you know Mommy loves you?
D-Cause Heavenly Father loves me and she be kind to me.
A- She cares about my like if there was a car coming you would tell me to stop.
J- You hug me and kiss me and give me food and let me live in your house.

21. Where is Mommy's favorite place to go?
D- Trader Joe's mom, Trader Joe's
A- Oooh..Trader Joe's, Costco and Meetings. Oh, and you love to go to homeschool co-op with us. And you love going to church.
J- Mongolian Grill.