The last couple of months have been one busy blur.
Blogging about it is way too much to comprehend.
Instead, I'm just going to focus on
This past Wednesday!
Outside my window:
Bright, happy sunlight, my 5 ft. tall Cana Lilies in bloom, grass that is a foot high and toys strewn over every inch of our backyard.
That Fall FINALLY decided to arrive yesterday!! I'm in heaven! I declare that it is officially Fall, now hat the high temp around here is no longer over 100* and is around 80* instead. (And you bet I'm crossing my fingers that is stays like this!)
How to be a Bear Cub Leader and how teach Justin in a way that fosters a love of learning as opposed to whining and groaning. Justin is really enjoys his history lesson's about Egyptians and is becoming quite a good little reader. His favorite subject is Language Arts and hearing the wonderful stories in the K12 curriculum. He also REALLY enjoys the SEEK home school co-op.
Anna is learning to trace her name and always wants to "do" phonics right along with Justin.
Dallin's learning right now involves his repeating every single thing I say. It's adorable. Really.
I'm also learning how to edit pictures and working on the bridals I took of my sister, Amanda.
(These are not edited yet though...I'm still working on that part, remember? :))
(actually) Reading...
A Thomas Jefferson Education with Patrick for a book club next month. (Anyone that knows me will be amazed by the fact that I'm reading a book club assignment IN ADVANCE. It's a miracle.
From the kitchen:
For breakfast: Soaked Cracked Oats + Butter + Banana + Crispy Almonds. Then there are the dishes to wash, red + black beans soaking in a pot, newly discovered yummy raw goat gouda cheese from Trader Joe's, raw goat milk (that I actually enjoy drinking) and the baked pumpkin that is patiently waiting to be turned into a
delicious pumpkin pie now that Fall has decided to show up. For lunch: Egg + Potato + Bacon + Avocado + Onion + Tomato hash. For Dinner: Fried Rice.
2:00-The same clothes I exercised in this morning including my visor and new comfy shoes I found at Ross yesterday.
5:45-Real clothes, just in time for Patrick to come home.
Hearing:6:30- My alarm telling me it's time to go walking with Angela.
9:00 a school bus driving by that I'm glad my kid is not on.
10:00 Whining from Justin (who's not feeling all well)) as he does a worksheet on fact families.
1:00 Dallin coloring in a book. (I sighed a breath of relief when I looked over and realized it was only a journal he was writing in. That relief faded quickly when I noticed the brown scribbling all over his body which led my eyes to the pile of over a dozen books he'd added his own artistic flair to. I am just thankful he only colored on the laminated covers.)
2:30-Anna singing a clean up song as she helps Dallin mop up the bottle of water he dumped on the floor accompanied by Dallin's slurping as he sucks it up with his mouth while birds twitter outside my back open window.
3:30-Anna "reading" a book.

4:30- The sound of Justin turning the pages of the scout book I've been flipping through to decide what to do for scouts tonight.
9:00- Quiet.
I get to squeeze a nap in.
About costumes. I'm trying to decide if it will be feasible to carry out Justin's Halloween Family Costume request...a family of skeletons. It's his year to pick after all, but I'm wondering if I could sway him towards he's earlier, much easier request: Builders. We'll see!
I'm also thinking I need to re-motivate myself to get a little fall garden planted since some rude caterpillars ate up the seedlings we started. Arg!
Around the house:
Loads of folded laundry waiting to be put away before the kids turn them back into a pile, windows smudged with oodles of prints from my children's fingers, a soft breeze blowing through every window, piles of toys waiting to be picked up, the happy birthday sign still up from Anna's birthday 3 weeks ago, my new shelves that hold our home school supplies that have officiallye turned our living room into more of a learning room AND more signs than I can count that I am a mother of 3 young lovely children.
Creating: Anna's dress for my sister's wedding. I'm hoping it turns out o.k. Keep your fingers crossed for's been 10 years since I've sewn a dress! It's like riding a bike, right!?
One of my favorite things:
Seeing the Sunrise on my morning walks and feeling the crisp morning air...
(Not a great picture, but I just want to remember the moment.)
Plans for the rest of the week:
A visit to Gillcrease Orchard in the morning and bow making with Nancy that night.
A visit to Sherry, my midwife, a park activity w/ the K12 kids and then SEEK park day.
My Bountiful Basket pick-up, some garage sales, sewing, a bit of backyard upkeep and going to the temple with my sister for her first time before her wedding next week.