Everyone always asks,
"So, how is homeschool going???"
I love the k12 curriculum and free supplies.
I LOVE that every lesson is well planned, thought out and already copied for me.
I love how flexible and reasonable Justin's online teacher is.
I love how we can work at our own pace.
I love that I can call our wonderful discussion about clouds as we drove in the car looking at AMAZING cloud formations a school activity.
I love the
SEEK homeschool co-op we attend on Mondays getting some good ol' "socialization". (and so does Justin.)
I LOVE that he knows how to read and write short sentences.
I love that he spells grandma (gromu.)
It all depends on what day you ask, but today,things are going great!
Today was NOT a day that I sent him to his room until he was ready to learn.
Today was NOT a day where he snapped his pencil in half just for fun.
Today was NOT a day where I had to escort him to his room screaming and flailing.
Today I did NOT feel like locking myself in the closet.
Today he learned how to sort words.
Today while I sat with him as he read, "AT THE SHOP", he was doing his best.
Today while he read, he just looked over at me with a grin and gave me a squeeze.
Today I really enjoyed teaching a lot!
Today the destruct-o twins (Anna and Dallin) only messed up the house a little bit.
(here they are, scheming about destruction while in thinking time. yes, dallin the little baby guy in thinking time! it makes me giggle every time i set him on the wall after pulling/ biting/scratching someone!)
Today in phonics, Justin's reader books have started on digraphs.
SH and TH
For some fun you could notice the different shape your mouth makes when you say them both.
They are confusing for Justin and he needs a bit of extra help.
The have fun little videos and stories to reinforce what he is learning.
It's also a great site to call computer time...
He's having fun AND learning at the same time.
What a treat!
I'm sneaky huh?!?!?
In summery, TODAY, the world is right.
And that's a good thing.