this year for halloween, patrick and i threw all common sense aside (as do many, many other parents) and gave our "pests" as many sedation packets as they desired.
for one day, our chosen form of "pest control" came in a little package and contained a something nearly intoxicating.
AND....the "pests" love it!
AND....the "pests" love it!
as demonstrated below, the packages can keep "pests" in control for a substantial amount of time.:
the directions for use are as follows.
- give "pests" the package
- let them open themselves and devour the contents
- repeat
and it works! "pests" are contained as long as you continue giving them the packages.
and all day our "pests" were happy.
only problem is that the next day, the packages seem to loose their effectiveness.
and the pests become even a bigger problem than before, acting irrationally and out of control.
around here, the only way to stop that from happening:
(of the sedation packets, NOT the pests)
and the toys can then help control the "pests"....but not for long. :)
then we must resort to more effective, longer lasting strategies. darn it.
there's always next year. :)
*the term "pests" for all intents and purposes is refereed to in a fond manner....we love our "pests"!
{that's why we are PEST CONTROL...not pest exterminators.}