

when going places, i used to ALWAYS be late.
i still may be late some days, but i USUALLY just barely make it to places on-time.
today, i have remembered motivation to leave EARLY for home school co-op.

it's an interesting way to be, for sure, but i am MOTIVATED to leave early by the LURE of what my be waiting for me in the Trader Joes' Dumpster.

Maybe some day will be able to justify spending $15 a week on a stunning boquet of flowers...
until then, i will continue my weekly PILGRIMAGE on the way to co-op to see what beautiful surprise might be waiting for me atop a pile of rubbish in a dumpster waiting to be hauled away without having been appreciated in all of it's beauty.....

or enjoyed day by day at our school table....
or admired by a curious 5 year old.....
or purposed as a beautiful centerpiece for a session of "night school"

(night school=school work we put it off until night time [because life does happen when you are making other plans at times] and get to do it with friends who we are babysitting whom think it's wonderful fun!')

what motivates you!?!?
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a moment

what a special treat to look over at the kids playing happily...
then looking again,

and again
and again
and again.
and again.

i just couldn't believe it.
for a full hour:

no screaming.
no hair pulling.
no pushing.
no meanie faces.
no whining.

just lots of fun!
...and fun is good.

what a happy mommy moment.
life is good.

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on a beautiful september morn....

3 years ago, today
ANNA was born!


And today, we featured her in our family Journal.
(and i just found a spelling error. geesh!)

We love Anna!

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i'll git you my pretties...and your lettle dooog tooooo!

no, i would not be surprised AT ALL if this happened to me.......

i better snap out of it soooon!

sorry kids,
sorry patrick.


Digital Disection.

5. Steps to Morris family fun....led by daddy of course.

1.Find an ancient laptop in the trashcan.
2. Try to turn it on .
3. If that fails, get out the tools.
4. Di sect it.
5 Demolish!!!!

What did your family do for "fun" tonight?
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A simple equation.

Sometimes I do things that are pure strokes of genius.
[Purchasing this Cub Scout shirt and neckerchief for 2 bucks at a garage sale was one of those moments.]

Some things are just a miracle..
[Like being given the flag the next day.]

To add it all up:

Shirt + Neckerchief + Flag = A VERY Happy Boy!!!

I just want to know if "Premature Scout Shirt Strutting" is sacrilegious?
I sure hope not, because Justin is in heaven when wearing this shirt!!!


little dallin

is one!!!!

and has been for several weeks now.

dallin's most memorable features at 1 year old.
*absolutely squezzable and cuddly
*walking [since 11 mo.]
* independently walking off on his own at the park [i now have to keep track of 3 kids going in all different directions.]
*loves dancing
*endures millions of kisses
*opens cupboards [and empties them in a flash with anna at his side]
* loves container play [the toilet being his favorite container...unfortunately.]
* trying to put on clothes [he got anna's smimsuit strap over his head today.]
* has the most adorable pouty lip you've ever seen.
* understands uh-oh....[and obeys most of the time :)]
* follows simple directions
* plays cars
* recently aquired and had PERFECTED his high pitched screech.
* signs please when he wants something
* loves watching justin run circles around him.
*eats....anything and EveRyThinG [and I can't wait till he stops eating trash]
* makes his mommy's heart MELT!!!!!!!