traveling....F O R E V E R . (or so it seemed to the kids.)
anticipating....are we there yet? (repeat)
justin ZONING OUT...while watching wall-e (so funny)
enduring...the sounds of screaming children (mainly dallin)
looking to the backseat....and feeling joy looking at my kids sitting in a cute row
kids sleeping lots.....thank goodness!!!
fitting in the car.....just barely
smiling....most times. :)
pondering.....i wonder what she was thinking about!?
thinking....i'm a GENIUS for bringing that in the car
anna using it...often!
freeloading.....is the BEST way to go
rating the accommodations.....***** (5 stars!!!)
walking......through beautiful American Fork
kids playing......and having tons of fun
sleeping comfortably.....not in the motel 6 thank goodness
enjoying....the wonderful time with friends

touring......beautiful temple square
totally admiring.....wonderful views
kids rolling.....down grassy patches
anna jumping.....from high up (she sure is a dare devil!)
observing with wonder....a slimy cool snail
feeling grateful....to belong to such a wonderful church
LOVING.....bear lake
really hoping ....for a warmer day tomorrow.
wrapping up....to stay warm
staying.....out of the cold water and on the shore!
mommy snuggling.....with the cutie guy dallin
dallin eating.....sand. yuck.
everyone digging.....and having TONS of dirty fun.
anna stripping.....huh!?!?
justin rowing.....with some fun found friends
enjoying time......with distant relatives and cousins
roasting marshmallows....of course
flicking mosquitos....but i was still EATEN ALIVE!
justin being silly...with cute cousins
patrick and justing climbing....the HUGE tree without even getting hurt!
dallin chilling....in the WONDERFUL table chair (gotta have one camping)
getting dirty.....over and over again

basking in the joy on the beach....another day
actually swimming.....thank goodness for warmer weather!
anna lounging lots....she's good at it.
cherishing play time....i sure love my kids. (and love watching them have fun)
forever remembering....dallin's adorable laughter against blue, sunlit skies
wishing.....i would have the moment & feelings etched in my memory forever

boating....on crystal blue waters
tubing with justin....he even liked it (when it was over)
squealing....with excitement (i liked it the whole time)
admiring.....how cute justin was sitting in the boat, wind in his hair.
loving.....the beautiful lake and time together

taking a peek....inside some caves nearby
cooling off ....from warm summer sun in the 40* caves
learning.....about caves and how they are formed
feeling amazement.....for God's wonderful creations

traveling up to rexburg.....to visit patrick's g&g wilson
savoring.....the wonderful country feeling, sights, sounds and smells
learning....that doggies like mom's milk too
touring.....their AMAZING garden and grandpa's awesome woodshop
realizing.....how zucchini actually looks when growing
eating....cute, fresh picked carrots
justin LOVING.....all of grandpa's constant teasing and joking
checking out....the beautiful rexburg temple
wondering.....what it would live in such a small town
thinking.....i might like that sort of life
appreciating ....their hospitality and loving natures
admiring....her wonderful decor'
learning....about life living in utah
enjoying the short visit...wishing it were longer
hanging out in provo.....with wonderful friends steve+colleen & aaron
conversing.....and remembering the good ol' days
probably making them think....."when we have kids, they'll never act like that in a restaurant." :)
eating byu creamery ice cream...with great harvest cinnamon bread. yum.
learning....of how much they LOVE BYU.
their words convincing patrick....it's time to apply
wondering .....what it would be like to live there.
heading.....back home
stopping by....in cedar city for a visit w/ my g&g englehart
kids sitting....in grandpa's fun yellow car
LOVING.....the wonderful view a lightning storm near cedar breaks
enjoying the visit.....learning & loving & spending a little time together
showing gratitude....for wonderful grandparents!
REMEMBERING......wonderful times.
forgetting....screaming cranky kids, loads and loads of laundry, the vacation recovery period, unpacking, sunburns, mosquito bites, feeling cranky, and stinking.
wondering....when do i get a real VACATION?
(you know, the kind where you just sit and relax)
realizing.....it might be a while.
but still relishing....in the wonderful moments with my little family.
(and not wanting to edit and check this entry for errors since spell check wasn't working......sorry)
for realz ending...this epic blog entry.