so far, all of my children have "outie" belly buttons.i was wondering why that might i discovered this:"One theory holds that the innie belly button is the norm, while an outie is the result of a genetic aberration. "....and other useless information. i don't know why it is so, but i seem to remember some social phopas related to having an outie as opposed to an innie, but i could care less about that.
just so you know, 1/10 of the population have outies. but as far as my posterity goes.....3/3!sorry about the genetic aberration kids. not that as parents patrick and i will be able to relate.
patrick is one of the 9/10 that has an innie too. i've got an innie and i've received no special perks in will all be o.k.
it's just a belly button after all!because of this commonality, they can relate and form some kind of sibling bond or something.just think about it...NO BELLY BUTTON LINT....for life!!!it's a blessing i tell you!there's just one little problem.dallin's outie is far more advanced and dynamic than his older siblings' which i fear may cause jealosy, sibling rivalry and a rift in their bond.instead of a regular old outie,he was born with a go go gadget belly button!a rare talent indeed.
his talent is not quite as cool [or useful] as my childhood hero INSPECTOR GADGET'S talents, but close.on a regular day, it is your average outie,but when dallin gets really upset it pops out with gusto![kindof like a the popout timer on my thanksgiving turkey or an itty bitty ailien trying to escape it's confines.]see?
[to demonstrate i just squeezed him like a little dough boy...
.you didn't want me to make him angry and cry, now did you!?!"
even when he is at a state of rest, it may decide to just sag a bit.
this thing has a mind of it's own i tell you.his doctor said it might decide to stay in better as he gets older.or it might not but they can do corrective surgery when his 2 years old.NO THANKS!cosmetic surgery is way freakier that go go gadgetbellybutton anyday.since surgery isn't an option in my book, for the last 7 months i thought of other options to stop this button from popping.somone even told me once that in some cultures they tape a coin over the naval to keep it in. on that one too.then, last week i was at wal-mart and i saw this stuff on the shelf...then it made it's way into my cart.
i got home and told patrick about my plan to tame dallin's little alien with some skin glue.
patrick told me that i was very wierd, but i already knew that.
he also told me that he thought my idea was weird....which instilled doubt in my system.
so on my counter the good ol' new skin sits, but i am still undecided.
tell me what you think. i need your imput now more than ever. :)
do you have any pros? cons? practical experience with belly buttons?

to glue or not to glue....that is the question.