The main problem is that my blogs haven't actually made it onto the computer!
I kinda miss my daily Bloglandia adventures and keeping track of all you lovely people...but alas,
Blogging time has been lovingly replace by this: (cause Dallin loves it more than the average Joe and he's worth it):
And if by chance there is a miracle and all three kiddos are doing this:
I had more to share, but the Cradle Swing (aka MAGIC sleep machine) has lost it's powers upon Dallin , Anna is pulling at my leg with an empty cup in her hand crying "DOH" (which means water in her cute 2 yr old voice), and Justin is tearing the box from the new Bumbo into 500 pieces all over the floor and is in need of an escort to time out.
sorry my thoughts are jumbled and just imagine another comment in your comments section until further "adjustments" to 3 kids are made. :) i'm just not so good at typing w/ one hand and find nursing while typing very uncomfortable and not sucha lovly bonding thing.
I love the picture of all the kids asleep on couch at one time. How did you pull that off? Is there a secret?
thoughts rambled.. no- your just a mom to a brand new baby... your allowed to have rambled thoughts! I love that pic of Dallin being a cuddle monster! I love that!... enjoy it now... cause as you very well know... they eventually grow up!
Sounds pretty normal to me!
WOW, sounds like you need a visit from Grandma ASAP.... See ya tomorrow!! Love, MOM
You are doing great if you even get to sit down........I remember thinking man if I could just sit down for 10 minutes I would fall a asleep.....and DONT feel bad about the messy should see mine and I only have 2 kids and Dillard is now 9 months so WHATS MY EXCUSE......take care....breathe deep...and love those babies....they wont be babies long.....
Hey, don't sweat it! Babies only nurse for, like, a day or two. (At least it seemed that way to me!) So you'd better enjoy it while it lasts! Everything else can wait. (Or never get done. Whatever.)
Oh Heavens...children. I love hearing the rebellion of Anna and Justin while you blog. My children have their special methods of getting me off the computer too. I posted my first blog in a while...I went back and read it and had some pretty awesome typos...for example I spelled Little LLittle in the title. I understand feeling overwhelmed and scatter brained.
Julie, I just wanted you to know that I think you are amazing! Your priorities are in the right place. He is so stinking cute, thanks for a couple new pictures!
pretty much my life for the past 5 months! 3 has really kicked my butt!. I have no time to get the housework done let alone blog. If you don't havea sling you should get one. I used it a lot in the first few months and still use it.
You are a very busy mom! YOur pictures are cute. I'm glad to see my laundry is not the only one that piles up beyond control! Good luck on that, I HATE laundry!
Excuses, Excuses, Julie! Personally, anyone with a new baby should be back to blogging form within a couple weeks, right? Go take a break! You deserve it! And that picture of all 3 kids sleeping really is dang cute.
So funny! Not that I'm meaning to laugh at you, but motherhood is definitely a "joy" sometimes. Good luck with all those "to-dos"... I love the escorting Justin to timeout one.
Thanks for your comment, what a sweet family you have and a cute little baby! I can't even imagine three kids and trying to get things done...hang in there and enjoy the few times you can get all three asleep at once!
Enjoy those precious moments! They pass so quickly as you know, and blogland will still be here when you have more time to spend here. In the meantime, the few minutes you have to add short updates will keep me coming back to see what's new at the Morris home.
The picture of the kids is awesome!! Love it :D
That's good he likes to nurse! My little guy likes to nurse so much that he won't take a bottle.
I can relate to the three kids thing and never having enough time for everything. My house is never really clean and there's always laundry to do but we have fun. I'm glad you're enjoying Dallin!
I'm still trying to get the hang of three! There are some moments when I look at all of them and thier IMMEDIATE needs and say to myself"who do I help first?" Somehow they are all alive and thriving though! You're a great Mom, just keep it up!
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