
All I wanted for Christmas...

Justin will be singing, "All I want for Christmas is my two front teeth," for 3-5 Years!!!!!!!!! It freaked me out when the doctor told me Justin would have to be put under anesthesia to have his dental work done so, I put it off. That was the worst possible choice ever! When he told me his teeth hurt I finally called, but it was too late. The dentist said the only thing to be done was to extract them! I was shocked! So not only would he have to be put out but he would loose his teeth as well. It was a pretty traumatic experience for me to sign a waiver mentioning death, to see him go into the off limits rooms of the surgical center,while I waited outside for hours, then see him hysterical when coming off of the anesthesia. Not exactly an experience a mom likes to blog about, but I couldn't avoid posting toothless pictures forever! We've always tried to take care of his teeth but it obviously wasn't enough! We've added flossing to Anna's routine and will take her into the dentist soon in hopes to avoid this Trauma. Hopefully my other kids got my teeth genes! The good thing is that after a week of learning a new way to chew, Justin could care less!

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kristi r said...

oh my goodness!!! I haven't even taken my kids to the dentist yet. I think it's probably time! (you know, Justin looks pretty cute though!) I can't imagine what that was like for you though!

Mansius Family said...

I have not taken my kids in either. I guess I should. He has got one of the cutest toothless grins ever.

Darrell and Alissa said...

Holy cow Julie- I'm so sorry!! He does look adorable toothless though! Ashlee had surgery when she was 3 and it freaked me out signing those papers and handing her over as well- probably one of the hardest things I've gone through! You made it though- you're a tough woman, and look at how cute he is!

Unknown said...

Hey Julie,
I saw the pictures above this one and I thought he lost his teeth and I was like how could that happen hes younger than Abbey- Im glad you explained, he does look really cute. I had to sign those papers when Abbey was only 19months old and she smashed the top of her firger almost completely off and they had to put her out to stitch it back on. I freaked. Does he talk with a lisp or wistle noise? Michelle